How to Collect Soil Samples
You made the right choice if you ended up here..
And we made it easy, just follow the instructions below
Super Easy Soil Sampling in 8 Quick Steps
1. Dig Samples
Dig samples 6" deep by 2-4" wide.
If sampling for general maintenance, sample areas with consistent growth patterns and health.
If sampling because an issue is suspected, sample from the concerning area (note: It is possible that two kits might help determine the difference between good and bad areas).
2. Remove Plant Matter
After collecting each sample, it is important to remove all of the plant matter (roots are ok) as this can affect the reliability of the soil analysis if left with samples.
3. Collect Multiple Samples (Steps 1-3)
Enough samples should be collected to assure the entire area of interest is represented. Collect multiple samples and place them into a clean and non-metallic bucket or bin, even a large bag can be used.
4. Mix Samples Until Homogenous
Thoroughly mix the soil samples until homogenous. Pick out any leaves or plant matter as well as any rocks. Rocks larger than a tic-tac or thumbnail are undesirable in soil samples.
5. Label & Fill the Sample Bag
Label and fill the sample bag until completely full with a homogenous sample mixture from the sample container after following steps 1-4.
6. Put the Sample Bag In the Box
Once the sample bag is labeled and full, REMOVE the provided shipping label and place to the side. Take the labeled soil sample bag and place into the box, nothing else is needed in the box.
7. Close & Stick On Shipping Label
With the sample bag inside, begin to close up the box using the seal tape fixed to the box to seal the box shut as you close it, pressing firmly once shut. Then peel and stick the shipping label to the top or the bottom of the box.
8. Ship Out the Sample Kit Box
Once your sample is in the box and the box is sealed shut, with the shipping label attached, it is now time to ship the soil sample! You can deliver to your local post office or drop in your mailbox. Your soil is going to be so happy, we can't wait!